
Please visit the web site to register. Click on the link below, or the register button at the bottom of this page.

Click Register, then find the Chick-fil-A Pittsburgh Kids Marathon.

Be sure that you are choosing the kids marathon option, there will be a drop down menu to choose our school. If there is not an option to choose our school then you are in the wrong place. Look for a confirmation email when the registration is complete. Below is a picture of the race option you should choose.  

You do not have to register yourself, just your child. For every child registered an adult bib number will be given for the race. Additional bib numbers for adults can be purchased downtown on race day. 

Race bibs and race shirts will be sent home the week of the race with your child at school. 

If you are running the 5K, you are responsible for picking up your bib number and shirt at the Expo downtown. It will not be sent home with your child.

  • Go to the following site:
  • Click the "Register" button in the top right corner
  • Select "Chick-fil-A Pittsburgh Kids Marathon". A "Sign In" button will appear. You can click it, which will open up a login screen.
  • Log in to your account if you have a password, or you can create one if you do not already.
  • Select "Chick-fil-A Pittsburgh Kids Marathon" again
  • Select that you are filling out the form for someone else and enter all of the personal information it requires
  • As you continue to scroll down, there is a box with a drop down list that says, "Are you participating in our Kids of STEEL Program?". Select "Yes".
  • The next question asks for you to choose the Kids of STEEL Site. Choose South Fayette Elementary. Note that this "Site" box only appears once you've selected "Yes" to the previous question about participating.
  • Enter your child's HOMEROOM teacher in the box following the site location
  • Complete the rest of the questionnaire
  • At the bottom of the page, there are two buttons: "Add Another Registrant" and "Continue". If you are adding a second child, use the "Add Another" button. Once you have all of your participants added, click the "Continue" button.
  • Agree to the waivers
  • Continue to checkout
  • Enter payment information to complete registration
  • Once you've completed the form, they should be automatically added to our school's roster

Choose this option on the web site.
Choose this option on the web site.

Registration is Open

Mrs. Colangelo, KOS Elementary School Coordinator
Mrs. Angela Johnson and Miss Fornella, KOS Intermediate School Coordinators
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