Lions of Steel at the Intermediate School

The IS runs on Friday mornings from 8:30-8:55 in the gym. Drop off at the IS is in the front of the school, which is the regular parent drop off location. Students who arrive prior to 8:30 will wait between the double doors at the main entrance.

Each week, our kids practice a variety of agility, strength, and cardio stations/activities to help them become stronger runners. Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for workouts - plan for clothing and shoes that he/she would wear for gym class (ex: t-shirt, sweatshirt, shorts, sweatpants, and tennis shoes). Note that athletic shoes are required, as running and exercising without the proper footwear is a safety concern.

Most days, we will practice in the gym. However, we will occasionally take the students outside to the playground, weather permitting. In the event that school is delayed due to weather, practice will be held from 10:30 - 10:55. If there is a cancellation, practice will not be rescheduled and will resume on the following Friday.

As a note, Kids of Steel is an organization that is sponsored through the Pittsburgh Marathon. As a participating site, our students train for the "Kids Marathon" that takes place on Saturday, May 4th in downtown Pittsburgh. Students are able to register for either the one mile run or the 5K through the Kids of Steel program. They are also welcome to register for just practices if they are unable to participate in the race downtown.

The start line
The start line
Mrs. Colangelo, KOS Elementary School Coordinator
Mrs. Angela Johnson and Miss Fornella, KOS Intermediate School Coordinators
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