What if we can't attend the race downtown?

It's ok, there is a NO race option on the registration. This means they can run weekly but not attend the race downtown. Please note, they will NOT get a race shirt from the marathon. They can order a training shirt though through this web site. Please contact the coordinator of your child's school if you need to sign up for the no race option. 

Will my child get a medal? 

Yes, every runner will get a medal and a finisher prize at the end of the race. 

Children that are signed up for the "no race" option will get their finisher prize at school. 

Should I run with my child on race day? 

Yes, every parent will get a matching bib number. Additional parent bibs can be purchased the day of the race at the start of the race. Please fill out the info on the back of the bib.  Children cannot leave the corrals at the end of the race without a parent present. 

I can't drive my child to school on training days, do they have time to run after getting off the bus?

Yes, they can come to the gym or playground right from the bus to run. They might not have time to do the stations, but they can run.

Will the children run on delay days?

Yes, they will run on delay days. Open gym time is 10:30-10:55. 

Do I stay on training days to run with my child? 

No, the children are supervised by teachers/trainers. They will go to their class when the bell rings for school. They will be sent to their classrooms after training. 

Mrs. Colangelo, KOS Elementary School Coordinator
Mrs. Angela Johnson and Miss Fornella, KOS Intermediate School Coordinators
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