Race Day Photos

General Information

This is South Fayette's  11th year participating in this program which is sponsored by the Pittsburgh Marathon. It is a 16 week program offered at  the elementary and intermediate schools. AM kindergarten through 5th grade can participate. PM kindergarteners are able to run in the race with us, but we cannot provide any training time due to the PM kindergarten schedule. Children in PM kindergarten will have to train on their own. Children will run either outside (weather permitting) or in the gym weekly. Over the course of 16 weeks, the children will run 25.2 miles, then we will run the last mile in  beautiful downtown Pittsburgh on May 4, 2024. 

When the children arrive in the gym, they will warm up doing various exercise stations throughout the gym. Some of these will include jumping jacks, lunges, agility ladder, kettle bells (kid friendly), planking, and high knees. After the stations, they will run the perimeter of the gym. Runners are encouraged to pace themselves when they run. Trainers will work on pacing with the runners. 

Children are encouraged to eat healthy and to make better food choices during training. Parents can record the new foods that they try on the running logs. 

With your child's registration, ONE parent will get a matching bib number. Additional parent bibs can be purchased on race day for a small fee. 

Click on the shirt tab to order a Lions of Steel training shirt. This is different from the race shirt that will be given by the  marathon. We wear the training shirts on training days and the day of the race. We wear our race shirts the Monday after the race. A green or white shirt is fine to wear too. The training shirt is not mandatory. 

In order to keep track of the miles that your child is running, there will be a log to fill out. Parents are responsible for filling out the logs. They can be turned in  a few weeks before the race for a finisher prize or they can be turned in the day of the race at Point State Park. Coordinators are unable to turn them in on race day. Please refer to the log tab to download or print your child's log. 

The week before the race your child's bib (race number), your parent matching number, race/heat info and race shirt will be sent home with your child at school.

Please fill out the information on the back of your child's running bib prior to the race. 

Parents are responsible for picking up 5K (if you are signing up for the 5K) race things at the expo downtown, not for Kids of Steel. 

Mrs. Colangelo, KOS Elementary School Coordinator
Mrs. Angela Johnson and Miss Fornella, KOS Intermediate School Coordinators
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